Textile by Zed Lopez

Version 1/220401

"Text utility functions."
Jump to extension code
Jump to "Textile" example


Includes and Included by are omitted for modules with errors


You wrote 'Include (- [ TEXT_TY_Replace_RE ftxtype txt f [...]
ree(ctxt); } } return chm; ]; -) instead of "Search And Replace" in
"RegExp.i6t"' (Zed Lopez/Textile.i7x, line 85):
but this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022, in favour of a more finely
controlled inclusion command. See the manual, but you can probably get what
you want using 'replacing "SomeFunctionName".' rather than 'instead of
Copy Include Textile by Zed Lopez to clipboard Include Textile by Zed Lopez.
Chapter Examples

Example: * Textile

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Include Textile by Zed Lopez.
Include Unit Tests by Zed Lopez.

Use test automatically.
Use quit after autotesting.

Lab is a room.

To say lbrack: say bracket.
To say rbrack: say close bracket.

expansive is a unit test. "Expanded".

To say xxx: say "123".
To say zzz: say "123".
To say xyz: say "456".
To say emptiness: say "".

xyzzy is always "xyzzy".
banana is always "banana".

For testing expansive:
   for "literal" assert expanded "fubar" exactly matches "fubar";
   for "empty" assert expanded "" is blank;
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" assert expanded "[xxx]" exactly matches "123";
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" assert expanded "[xxx]" is "123"; [ "is" should work, as there's a literal on one side ]

[ skipped text matches/does not match topic; text includes / does not include topic ]

Exactly-matches is a unit test. "<text> exactly matches <text>".

For testing exactly-matches:
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" assert "[xxx]" exactly matches "123";
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack] and [lbrack]zzz[rbrack]" assert "[xxx]" exactly matches "[zzz]";
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" refute "[xxx]" exactly matches "[xyz]";
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" refute "[xxx]" exactly matches "1231";
   for "123" assert "123" exactly matches "123";
   for "123" refute "123" exactly matches "0123";
   for "123" refute "123" exactly matches "1234";
   for "empty" assert "" is blank;
   for "empty" refute "" exactly matches " ";
   for "empty" assert "[emptiness]" is blank;

Does-not-exactly-match is a unit test. "<text> does not exactly match <text>".

For testing does-not-exactly-match:
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" refute "[xxx]" does not exactly match "123";
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack] and [lbrack]zzz[rbrack]" refute "[xxx]" does not exactly match "[zzz]";
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" assert "[xxx]" does not exactly match "[xyz]";
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" assert "[xxx]" does not exactly match "1231";
   for "123" refute "123" does not exactly match "123";
   for "123" assert "123" does not exactly match "0123";
   for "123" assert "123" does not exactly match "1234";
   for "empty" refute "" does not exactly match "";
   for "empty" assert "" does not exactly match " ";
   for "empty" refute "[emptiness]" does not exactly match "";

Text-includes is a unit test. "<text> includes <text>".

For testing text-includes:
   for "1234" assert "1234" includes "23";
   for "1234" assert "1234" includes "123";
   for "1234" assert "1234" includes "234";
   for "1234" assert "1234" includes "1";
   for "1234" assert "1234" includes "4";
   for "1234" assert "1234" includes "2";
   for "1234" refute "1234" includes "0";
   for "1234" refute "1234" includes "0234";
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" assert "[xxx]" includes "3";
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" refute "[xxx]" includes "5";

Text-does-not-include is a unit test. "<text> does not include <text>".

For testing text-does-not-include:
   for "1234" refute "1234" does not include "23";
   for "1234" refute "1234" does not include "123";
   for "1234" refute "1234" does not include "234";
   for "1234" refute "1234" does not include "1";
   for "1234" refute "1234" does not include "4";
   for "1234" refute "1234" does not include "2";
   for "1234" assert "1234" does not include "0";
   for "1234" assert "1234" does not include "0234";
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" refute "[xxx]" does not include "3";
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" assert "[xxx]" does not include "5";

Occurrent is a unit test. "Occurrent".

For testing occurrent:
   for "x, banana" assert the occurrences of "x" in "banana" is 0;
   for "a, banana" assert the occurrences of "a" in "banana" is 3;
   for "n, banana" assert the occurrences of "n" in "banana" is 2;

Trimmed is a unit test. "Trimmed."

For testing trimmed:
   for " [lbrack]xxx[rbrack] " assert " [xxx] " trimmed is "[xxx]";
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack] " assert "[xxx] " trimmed is "[xxx]";
   for " [lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" assert " [xxx]" trimmed is "[xxx]";
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" assert "[xxx]" trimmed is "[xxx]";
   for " 123 " assert " 123 " trimmed is "123";
   for "123 " assert "123 " trimmed is "123";
   for " 123" assert " 123" trimmed is "123";
   for "123" assert "123" trimmed is "123";

[ put rmatch, if rmatches, does not rmatch, match <n> here]

left-index-regexp is unit test. "left index regexp".

For testing left-index-regexp:
   for "123, 123" assert the left index of regexp "123" in "123" is 1;
   for "ca, abecadarium" assert index of regexp "ca" in "abecadarium" is 4;
   for "an, banana" assert the index of regexp "na" in "banana" is 3;
   for "us, publius" assert the index of regexp "us" in "publius" is 6;
   for "empty in whitespace" assert the index of regexp "" in " " is 0;
   for "xyz, banana" assert the index of regexp "xyz" in "banana" is 0;
   for "xyz, xzy" assert the index of regexp "xyz" in "xzy" is 0;
   for "an, banana" assert the index of regexp ".a" in "banana" is 1;
   for "an, banana" assert the index of regexp ".n" in "banana" is 2;
   for "an, banana" assert the index of regexp ".na$" in "banana" is 4;

Left-index is a unit test. "Left index".

For testing left-index:
   for "123, 123" assert the left index of "123" in "123" is 1;
   for "ca, abecadarium" assert index of "ca" in "abecadarium" is 4;
   for "an, banana" assert the index of "na" in "banana" is 3;
   for "us, publius" assert the index of "us" in "publius" is 6;
   for "empty in whitespace" assert the index of "" in " " is 0;
   for "xyz, banana" assert the index of "xyz" in "banana" is 0;
   for "xyz, xzy" assert the index of "xyz" in "xzy" is 0;

length is a unit test. "Length."

For testing length:
   for "empty" assert length of "" is 0;
   for "X" assert size "X" is 1;
   for "banana" assert count "banana" is 6;

say-chars is a unit test. "Say chars <m> to <n> of <text>".

For testing say-chars:
   for "xyzzy, 1-3" assert "[chars 1 to 3 of xyzzy]" exactly matches "xyz";
   for "banana, 5-6" assert "[chars 5 to 6 of banana]" exactly matches "na";
   for "empty, 0-0 error" assert "[chars 0 to 0 of empty-string]" reports error;
   for "xyzzy, 1-1" assert "[chars 1 to 1 of xyzzy]" exactly matches "x";
   for "xyzzy, 5-5" assert "[chars 5 to 5 of xyzzy]" exactly matches "y";
   for "banana, -3 to -1 error" assert "[chars -3 to -1 of banana]" reports error;

substr is a unit test. "Substr".

For testing substr:
   for "xyzzy, 1-3" assert substr of xyzzy from 1 to 3 exactly matches "xyz";
   for "banana, 5-6" assert substr of banana from 5 to 6 exactly matches "na";
   for "empty, 0-0" assert substr of empty-string from 0 to 0 is empty;
   for "empty, 0-0 error" assert "[substr of empty-string from 0 to 0]" reports error;
   for "empty, 1-2" assert substr of empty-string from 1 to 2 is empty;
   for "empty, 1-2 error" assert "[substr of empty-string from 1 to 2]" reports error;
   for "xyzzy, 1-1" assert substr of xyzzy from 1 to 1 exactly matches "x";
   for "xyzzy, 5-5" assert substr of xyzzy from 5 to 5 exactly matches "y";
   for "banana, -3 to -1" assert substr of banana from -3 to -1 is empty;
   for "banana, -3 to -1 error" assert "[substr of banana from -3 to -1]" reports error;
   for "banana, 0 to 0" assert substr of banana from 0 to 0 is empty;
   for "banana, 0 to 0" assert "[substr of banana from 0 to 0]" reports error;

first-chars is a unit test. "First n characters".

For testing first-chars:
   for "xyzzy, 0" assert first 0 chars of xyzzy is empty;
   for "xyzzy, 1" assert first 1 char of xyzzy exactly matches "x";
   for "xyzzy, 6" assert first 6 chars of xyzzy is empty;
   for "xyzzy, 6 error" assert "[first 6 chars of xyzzy]" reports error;

last-chars is a unit test. "Last n characters".

For testing last-chars:
   for "xyzzy, 0" assert last 0 chars of xyzzy is empty;
   for "xyzzy, 1" assert last 1 char of xyzzy exactly matches "y";
   for "xyzzy, 6" assert last 6 chars of xyzzy is empty;
   for "xyzzy, 6 error" assert "[last 6 chars of xyzzy]" reports error;

say-replaced is a unit test. "<t> with chars <m> to <n> replaced with <r>".

For testing say-replaced:
   for "banana with chars 1 to 2 replaced with xyzzy" assert "[banana with chars 1 to 2 replaced with xyzzy]" exactly matches "xyzzynana";
   for "banana with chars 2 to 3 replaced with xyzzy" assert "[banana with chars 2 to 3 replaced with xyzzy]" exactly matches "bxyzzyana";

say-cut is a unit test. "<t> with chars <m> to <n> cut".

For testing say-cut:
   for "banana with chars 2 to 3 cut" assert "[banana with chars 2 to 3 cut]" exactly matches "bana".

first-replaced-with is a unit test. "<t> with first <u> replaced with <v>".

For testing first-replaced-with:
   for "banana with first 'n' replaced with 'x'" assert banana with first "n" replaced with "x" exactly matches "baxana";

split is a unit test. "<text> split on/by/with <text>".

For testing split:
   for "abc / d" assert "abc" split on "d" is { "abc" };
   for "abc / b" assert "abc" split on "b" is { "a", "c" };
Version 1/220401 of Textile by Zed Lopez begins here.

"Text utility functions."

The empty-string is always "".

To decide what text is an/-- expanded (T - a text):
     (- TEXT_TY_SubstitutedForm({-new:text}, {-by-reference:T}) -).

To decide if (T - text) exactly matches (S - text): (- TEXT_TY_Replace_RE(CHR_BLOB,{-by-reference:T},{-by-reference:S},0,{phrase options},1) -).

To decide if (T - text) does not exactly match (S - text): (- (~~TEXT_TY_Replace_RE(CHR_BLOB,{-by-reference:T},{-by-reference:S},0,{phrase options},1)) -).

To decide if (T - text) includes (S - text): (- TEXT_TY_Replace_RE(CHR_BLOB,{-by-reference:T},{-by-reference:S},0,{phrase options}) -).

To decide if (T - text) does not include (S - text): (- (~~TEXT_TY_Replace_RE(CHR_BLOB,{-by-reference:T},{-by-reference:S},0,{phrase options})) -).

To decide what number is the occurrences of (substr - a text) in (T - a text):
(- TEXT_TY_Replace_RE(CHR_BLOB,{-by-reference:T},{-by-reference:substr},1) -).

To decide what number is the occurrences of regexp (regexp - a text) in (T - a text):
(- TEXT_TY_Replace_RE(REGEXP_BLOB,{-by-reference:T},{-by-reference:regexp},1) -).

To decide what text is (T - a text) trimmed:
   if T rmatches "^\s*(.*?)\s*$", now T is match 1;
   decide on T.

To puts (sv - a sayable value): say "[sv][line break]".
To puts (T - a text): say T; say line break.

To decide if (T - a text) is blank: decide on whether or not T is "".
To decide if (T - a text) is not blank: if T is "", no; yes.

To rmatch (V - a text) by (R - a text), case insensitively:
   (- TEXT_TY_Replace_RE(REGEXP_BLOB,{-by-reference:V},{-by-reference:R},0,{phrase options}); -).

To decide if (V - a text) rmatches (R - a text), case insensitively:
   (- TEXT_TY_Replace_RE(REGEXP_BLOB,{-by-reference:V},{-by-reference:R},0,{phrase
   options}) -).

[ unfortunate ambiguity if we add case insensitively here ]
To decide if (V - a text) does not rmatch (R - a text), case insensitively:
   (- (~~(TEXT_TY_Replace_RE(REGEXP_BLOB,{-by-reference:V},{-by-reference:R},0,{phrase options}))) -).

[ use immediately after a regular expression match ]
To decide what text is the/a/-- match (N - a number):
     (- TEXT_TY_RE_GetMatchVar({N}) -).

Include (-
[ dumpSubexps i;
for (i=0:(i<RE_Subexpressions-->10) && (i<10): i++) {
print i, " ", RE_Subexpressions-->i-->RE_DATA1, " ", RE_Subexpressions-->i-->RE_DATA2, "^";

To dump subexps: (- dumpSubexps(); -).

Include (-
[ regexpLindex R T;
return RE_Subexpressions-->0-->RE_DATA1 + 1;

To decide what number is the left/-- index of/-- a/an/-- regexp (R - a text) in (T - a text): (- regexpLindex({R},{T}) -).

To decide what number is the index of match (n - a number): (- (RE_Subexpressions-->{n}-->RE_DATA1) -).

To decide what number is the ending index of match (n - a number): (- (RE_Subexpressions-->{n}-->RE_DATA2) -).

To decide what number is the length of match (n - a number): (- (1 + RE_Subexpressions-->{n}-->RE_DATA2 - RE_Subexpressions-->{n}-->RE_DATA1) -)

Include (-
Global match0_idx;
Global match0_len;
-) after "Definitions.i6t".

match0-index is a number variable.
The match0-index variable translates into I6 as "match0_idx".
match0-length is a number variable.
The match0-length variable translates into I6 as "match0_len".

[ big replacement for tiny change to track the plain text match index ]
Include (-
[ TEXT_TY_Replace_RE ftxtype txt ftxt rtxt insens exactly
   r p p1 p2 cp cp1 cp2;
   !print "Find: "; BlkValueDebug(ftxt); print "^";
   !print "Rep: "; BlkValueDebug(rtxt); print "^";
   !print "In: "; BlkValueDebug(txt); print "^";
   if (rtxt == 0 or 1) { cp = txt-->0; p = TEXT_TY_Temporarily_Transmute(txt); }
   else TEXT_TY_Transmute(txt);
   cp1 = ftxt-->0; p1 = TEXT_TY_Temporarily_Transmute(ftxt);
   cp2 = rtxt-->0; p2 = TEXT_TY_Temporarily_Transmute(rtxt);
   r = TEXT_TY_Replace_REI(ftxtype, txt, ftxt, rtxt, insens, exactly);
   TEXT_TY_Untransmute(ftxt, p1, cp1);
   TEXT_TY_Untransmute(rtxt, p2, cp2);
   if (rtxt == 0 or 1) TEXT_TY_Untransmute(txt, p, cp);
   return r;

[ TEXT_TY_Replace_REI ftxtype txt ftxt rtxt insens exactly
   ctxt csize ilen i cl mpos cpos ch chm;

   ilen = TEXT_TY_CharacterLength(txt);

   TEXT_TY_RE_Err = 0;

     if (ftxtype == CHR_BLOB) {
       match0_idx = 0;
       match0_len = 0;
   switch (ftxtype) {
     REGEXP_BLOB: i = TEXT_TY_RE_CompileTree(ftxt, exactly);
     CHR_BLOB: i = TEXT_TY_CHR_CompileTree(ftxt, exactly);
     default: "*** bad ftxtype ***";
   if ((i<0) || (i>RE_MAX_PACKETS)) {
     TEXT_TY_RE_Err = i;
     print "*** Regular expression error: ", (string) TEXT_TY_RE_Err, " ***^";
     return 0;

   if (TEXT_TY_RE_Trace) {
     print "(compiled to ", i, " packets)^";
   if (ftxtype == REGEXP_BLOB) TEXT_TY_RE_EmptyMatchVars();
   mpos = 0; chm = 0; cpos = 0;
   while (TEXT_TY_RE_Parse(ftxt, txt, mpos, insens) >= 0) {
     if (TEXT_TY_RE_Trace) {
       print "^*** Match ", chm, " found (", RE_PACKET_space-->RE_DATA1, ",",
         RE_PACKET_space-->RE_DATA2, "): ";
       if (RE_PACKET_space-->RE_DATA1 == RE_PACKET_space-->RE_DATA2) {
         print "<empty>";
       for (i=RE_PACKET_space-->RE_DATA1:i<RE_PACKET_space-->RE_DATA2:i++) {
         print (char) BlkValueRead(txt, i);
       print " ***^";
         match0_idx = RE_PACKET_space-->RE_DATA1 + 1;
         match0_len = RE_PACKET_space-->RE_DATA2 - RE_PACKET_space-->RE_DATA1;
     if (rtxt == 0) break; ! Accept only one match, replace nothing
     if (rtxt ~= 0 or 1) {
       if (chm == 1) {
         ctxt = BlkValueCreate(TEXT_TY);
         csize = BlkValueLBCapacity(ctxt);

       for (i=cpos:i<RE_PACKET_space-->RE_DATA1:i++) {
         ch = BlkValueRead(txt, i);
         if (cl+1 >= csize) {
           if (BlkValueSetLBCapacity(ctxt, 2*cl) == false) break;
           csize = BlkValueLBCapacity(ctxt);
         BlkValueWrite(ctxt, cl++, ch);
       BlkValueWrite(ctxt, cl, 0);
       TEXT_TY_Concatenate(ctxt, rtxt, ftxtype, txt);
       csize = BlkValueLBCapacity(ctxt);
       cl = TEXT_TY_CharacterLength(ctxt);

     mpos = RE_PACKET_space-->RE_DATA2; cpos = mpos;
     if (RE_PACKET_space-->RE_DATA1 == RE_PACKET_space-->RE_DATA2)

     if (TEXT_TY_RE_Trace) {
       if (chm == 100) { ! Purely to keep the output from being excessive
         print "(Stopping after 100 matches.)^"; break;
   if (chm > 0) {
     if (rtxt ~= 0 or 1) {
       for (i=cpos:i<ilen:i++) {
         ch = BlkValueRead(txt, i);
         if (cl+1 >= csize) {
           if (BlkValueSetLBCapacity(ctxt, 2*cl) == false) break;
           csize = BlkValueLBCapacity(ctxt);
         BlkValueWrite(ctxt, cl++, ch);
     if (ftxtype == REGEXP_BLOB) {
       if (TEXT_TY_RE_Trace)

     if (rtxt ~= 0 or 1) {
       BlkValueWrite(ctxt, cl, 0);
       BlkValueCopy(txt, ctxt);
   return chm;

-) instead of "Search And Replace" in "RegExp.i6t".

Include (-
[ textLindex R T;
if (TEXT_TY_Replace_RE(CHR_BLOB,T,R)) return match0_idx;
return 0;

To decide what number is the left/-- index of/-- a/an/-- (F - a text) in (T - a text):
if T is blank or F is blank begin;
   now match0-index is 0;
   now match0-length is 0;
   decide on 0;
end if;
decide on text-lindex of F in T.

To decide what number is text-lindex of (F - a text) in (T - a text): (- textLindex({F},{T}) -).

To decide what number is a/-- length/size/count of/-- a/an/-- (T - a text):
   decide on the number of characters in T.

To say char/chars/character/characters (start - a number) to (end - a number) in/of (T - a text):
     let len be length of T;
     if start < 1 or end > len begin;
       say "[line break]*** characters [start] to [len] out of range for text |[T]| of length [len].";
       repeat with i running from start to end begin;
         say character number i in T;
       end repeat;
      end if;

To decide what text is the/a/-- substr of (T - a text) from (start - a number) to (end - a number) (this is substr6):
   let len be length of T;
   if start < 1 or end > len begin;
     say "[line break]*** characters [start] to [len] out of range for text |[T]| of length [len].";
     decide on "";
   end if;
   decide on expanded "[chars start to end of T]";
To decide what text is the first (n - a number) char/chars/character/characters of (T - a text):
   decide on substr of T from 1 to n;

To decide what text is the first char/character of (T - a text):
   decide on character number 1 in T;

To decide what text is the last char/character of (T - a text):
   decide on character number (number of characters in T) in T;

To decide what text is the last (n - a number) char/chars/character/characters of (T - a text):
   let len be length of T;
   let start be 1 + len - n;
   decide on substr of T from start to len;

To decide what text is the substr in/of (T - a text) from (start - a number) for (substrlen - a number) char/chars/character/characters:
   decide on the substr of T from start to (start + substrlen - 1);

To decide what text is char/character (n - a number) in/of (T - a text):
   decide on character number n in T;

To set regexp tracing: (- TEXT_TY_RE_SetTrace(1); -).

To decide what text is (T - a text) with char/chars/character/characters/-- (m - a number) to (n - a number) replaced with/-- (R - a text):
   let U be T;
   replace chars m to n in U with R;
   decide on U;

To replace char/chars/character/characters/-- (m - a number) to (n - a number) in (T - a text) with (R - a text):
   (- TEXT_TY_ReplaceChars({-by-reference:T},{m},{n},{-by-reference:R}); -)

To decide what text is (T - a text) with char/chars/character/characters/-- (m - a number) to (n - a number) cut:
   decide on expanded "[T with m to n replaced with empty-string]";
To decide what text is (T - a text) with char/chars/character/characters/-- (m - a number) to (n - a number) cut:
   decide on expanded "[T with m to n replaced with empty-string]";

To decide what text is (T - a text) with first (U - a text) replaced with (V - a text):
   if T is blank or U is blank, decide on T;
   let idx be index of U in T;
   if idx is 0, decide on T;
   decide on expanded "[T with chars idx to idx + (length U - 1) replaced with V]";

To decide what text is (T - a text) with first regexp (R - a text) replaced with (V - a text) (this is regexp-replace):
   if T is blank or R is blank, decide on T;
   if T rmatches R, decide on T with chars (index of match 0) to (ending index of match 0) replaced with V;
   decide on T;

Part join by text

To say raw (L - a list of sayable values) joined by/with a/an/-- (T - a text):
   if L is not empty begin;
   repeat for v in L with index i begin;
     say v;
     if i is not the size of L, say T;
   end repeat;
end if;

To decide what text is (L - a list of sayable values) joined by/with a/an/-- (T - a text):
   decide on "[raw L joined by T]";

Include (-

[ TEXT_TY_ReplaceChars txt idx_from idx_to rtxt rtxtlen cp p ctxt ilen rlen i j k endlen;
   cp = rtxt-->0; p = TEXT_TY_Temporarily_Transmute(rtxt);
   ilen = TEXT_TY_CharacterLength(txt);
   rtxtlen = TEXT_TY_CharacterLength(rtxt);
     rlen = 1 + idx_to - idx_from; ! length of text being replaced
   endlen = ilen + rtxtlen - rlen;
   ctxt = BlkValueCreate(TEXT_TY);
   if (BlkValueSetLBCapacity(ctxt, 1+endlen)) {
     for (i=0:i<idx_from-1:i++) {
       BlkValueWrite(ctxt, i, BlkValueRead(txt, i));
     for (i=0:i<rtxtlen:i++) {
       BlkValueWrite(ctxt, idx_from+i-1, BlkValueRead(rtxt, i));
     for (i=0:i<ilen-idx_to:i++) {
       BlkValueWrite(ctxt, idx_from+rtxtlen+i-1, BlkValueRead(txt, idx_to+i));
     BlkValueWrite(ctxt, endlen, 0);
     BlkValueCopy(txt, ctxt);
   TEXT_TY_Untransmute(rtxt, p, cp);

[ replaceFirstRegexp txt R rtxt idx endidx len result;
   if (TEXT_TY_Empty(txt) || TEXT_TY_Empty(R)) return;
   if (TEXT_TY_Replace_RE(REGEXP_BLOB,txt,R,0)) {
     idx = RE_Subexpressions-->0-->RE_DATA1 + 1;
     endidx = RE_Subexpressions-->0-->RE_DATA2;
     len = 1 + RE_Subexpressions-->0-->RE_DATA2 - idx;
     TEXT_TY_ReplaceChars(txt, idx, len, rtxt);

[ textConcat t u result;
return TEXT_TY_Concatenate(result, u);

To decide what text is (T - a text) with (U - a text) inserted at char/character/-- (n - a number):
   now U is "[U][char n in T]";
   replace character number n in T with U;
   decide on T;

To decide what text is (T - a text) plus/concat/+ (U - a text):
   (- textConcat({T},{U},{-new:text}) -).

To decide what text is (T - a text) with (U - a text) inserted at char/character/-- (n - a number):
   replace character number n in T with U + character number n in T;
   decide on T;

To decide what list of texts is (T - a text) split on/by/with/-- (sep - a text):
   let L be a list of texts;
   let idx be the index of sep in T;
   let slen be length sep;
   while idx is not 0 begin;
     add first idx - 1 chars of T to L;
     now T is T with chars 1 to (idx + slen - 1) cut;
     now idx is the index of sep in T;
   end while;
   add T to L;
   decide on L;

Include (-
! Print N Times without transmuting/untransmuting N times...
[ PrintNTimes s n
     i raw len x cp1 p1 j;
   cp1 = s-->0;
   p1 = TEXT_TY_Temporarily_Transmute(s);
   raw = BlkValueLBCapacity(s);
   for ( len = 0 : len < raw : len++ ) if (~~BlkValueRead(s, len)) break;
   for ( i = 0 : i < n : i++ ) {
     for (j = 0 : j < len : j++ ) {
       x = BlkValueRead(s,j);
       @streamunichar x;
   TEXT_TY_Untransmute(s, p1, cp1);

To say (N - a number) copies of/-- (T - a text):
(- PrintNTimes({T},{N}); -).

To say (u - a unicode character) * (n - a number): (- {-my:2} = {u}; for ({-my:1} = 0 : {-my:1} < {N} : {-my:1}++ ) @streamunichar {-my:2}; -).

Textile ends here.